Bring Warmth to Your Hallway with a Bespoke Autumnal Mural.

Breathe new life into your narrow hallway with a captivating vine mural. 
Imagine a cascade of tumbling leaves adorning the walls, their vibrant russets and golds reflecting the changing season. This stunning artwork not only brightens up a dark space but also evokes a sense of cosy anticipation as winter approaches, reminiscent of drying grapes preparing for the colder months.

Specialising in creating bespoke vine murals that are more than just decorations.
This autumnal design serves a specific purpose to add warmth and visual interest to a narrow hallway. The vibrant colours will instantly brighten the space, while the flowing leaves create a sense of movement and dimension, contact ArtDecore today for a consultation.

VINE Mural by ArtDecore (London and Kent)
VINE Mural by ArtDecore (London and Kent) (1)
VINE Mural by ArtDecore (London and Kent)
VINE Mural by ArtDecore (London and Kent) (2)